External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj shared a Congress tweet on her official Twitter account. The tweet that Swaraj shared is not just a tweet but it is a Twitter poll of Congress inviting people to assess her 'failure' as Foreign Minister. The tweet asks a question to the users over the Swaraj handling the case of 39 Indian missing killed in Iraq was 'failure' of her government.
It is well observed that the opposition party has been targeting Ms Swaraj since she confirmed the death of the Indian and they are killed by ISIS in Iraq, in parliament last week.
The grand old party Congress put out a poll 26 March on whether it was the minister's "worst failure".
Do you think the death of 39 Indians in Iraq is Sushma Swaraj’s biggest failure as Foreign Minister?
Do you think the death of 39 Indians in Iraq is Sushma Swarajโs biggest failure as Foreign Minister? #IndiaSpeaks
— Congress (@INCIndia) March 26, 2018
The Congress Twitter post has been liked by over 1,500 and shared by near about 2500 times. The party has received over 29,000 votes, with remaining 24 minutes. However, the poll ended up as a failure for the party instead.
Many people commented on the post, It is a Congress self-goal, said many of their comments. So far, Foreign Minister, Swaraj seems to have got a vast approval rating of 76 per cent.
The tweet got several comments as Swaraj shared it, in fact, her fans who were amused with her comeback on Twitter trolled the Congress party and party chief, Rahul Gandhi.
In the Congress govt, they did many mistakes and scams.
— Prudhivi Anand๐ด๐ฉ (@Prudhivi_Anand) March 27, 2018
How would you treated this mistake as a @SushmaSwaraj mistake. Madem is Indians chinnamma.
This happens when you are true to your work......@SushmaSwaraj pic.twitter.com/QzNYKLBhk9
— Shubham Pandey (@pandeyjiki_suno) March 27, 2018
Today I think @INCIndia handler would be on seventh heaven as @SushmaSwaraj mam RTed their poll... ๐๐๐
— Chhabi (@Chhabiy) March 27, 2018
A cue to booth capture for all!
The question is interesting..
— Lie, PMs way of life (@MrRightCenter) March 27, 2018
โDoesnโt the NO votes mean that there is another failure of Sushma Swaraj as Foreign Minister which is bigger than this failure?โhttps://t.co/DYOdeEmauT