Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt and actor Ranbir Kapoor are in love relationship and the discussions is going on from long time. However, they both never have accepted their relationship. These days, Alia Bhatt is being seen in streets of New York and the reason is that the veteran actor Rishi Kapoor is taking medical treatment in New York. Alia there went to meet Rishi Kapoor.
Alia Bhatt shared a picture on social media Instagram and gave a caption, 'The Big Apple'. Actor Rishi Kapoor who is taking treatment there has got company from his wife Neetu Kapoor and his son Ranbir Kapoor.
A few days back even Priyanka Chopra and Sonali Bendre went to meet Rishi Kapoor and also shared pictures from there.
A few days back Alia Bhatt also made a special cake for Ranbir Kapoor and also spend the time together. While talking about professional life, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt have collaborated for the film Brahmastra. This will be their first collaboration. The film is supposed to release on 15th August 2019.