New Train Timetable to Come into Effect from July 1, Train Numbers to Change

Catch Team 18 June 2024, 21:39 IST

Jodhpur (Rajasthan): The timetable of trains running across the country is set to change from July 1. The Railway Headquarters is preparing to implement a new timetable, and the Railway Administration has begun preparing for the same. This change will affect several trains operated by the North Western Railway's Jodhpur division, which will see a partial change in their timings.

The specific trains that will be affected by this change have not been finalised yet, but the timetable is expected to be finalised within the next 8-10 days. 

Additionally, the 'zero' prefix, which was added to passenger train numbers during the COVID-19 pandemic, will be removed, and the trains will revert to their original numbers. Railway officials confirmed that the changes are being made as per the instructions of the Railway Headquarters.

The changes will affect various types of trains, including freight trains, passenger trains, mail trains, and superfast trains. The Railway Administration is working on implementing the new timetable, which will come into effect from July 1.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, passenger trains were suspended, but they were gradually restored in a phased manner. Since then, the trains have been operating with a 'special' tag and an additional fee. However, in February, the Railway Administration reverted to the old fare system, and now, the 'special' tag will also be removed.

Earlier, the Railway Administration used to release a new timetable in October every year, but this time, the process has been changed. In the last four years, many Vande Bharat trains have been introduced, and the railway network has undergone significant changes.