Home » social media » Watch clip that showcases how Covid-19 changed the world in 2020

Watch clip that showcases how Covid-19 changed the world in 2020

Speed News Desk | Updated on: 12 April 2023, 18:54 IST
viral video


Coronavirus or Covid-19 virus that started spreading from China’s Wuhan city in 2019-20 and devastated the whole world, is still haunting us even after three years. The virus claimed lakhs of lives across the globe and left several bad memories from which we are living with.

Almost all countries across the globe imposed strict lockdowns in 2020 to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The virus actually succeeded in making the world standtill, with people imprisoned in their homes.

A clip has emerged on the internet showcasing the devastating impact of the Coronavirus in numerous countries, making people to recall the painful time.

In the clip several prominent places of different countries can be seen deserted during Covid lockdowns. Streets and restaurants are empty and famous places that used to be filled with people are deserted with no person around.

Watch Here.

The video was shared on Twitter by an account named @historicvids with the caption “2020: the year the world stood still.”

Since being shared the clip has accumulated over 1.5 million views and more than 17,000 likes. The clip prompted Twitter users to recall and share their unpleasant memories of 2020.

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First published: 12 April 2023, 18:54 IST