If there is one thing that can bring people together is undoubtedly their relegion. And someone who tries to make a fun of their relegion or their Gods, he should definitely be ready for all the backlash and slamming that will come his way.
The same happened ‘Meat & Livestock Australia’ (MLA) who released an advertisement that triggered the feeling of many. The advertisement features various Gods like Aphrodite and Jesus, Hindu God Ganesha sitting on a long table and eating and promoting lamb.
Check out the ad here:
As soon as the ad came up, a wave of comments and negative flak started to come up fro people who got hurt from the ad. What hurted the most was the time of the advertisement which was just after Ganesh Chaturthi got over.
Later, President of Universal Society of Hinduism, Rajan Zed asked for an apology in a statement that said, "Hindus are urging Australia Advertising Standards Bureau to ban the new “You Never Lamb Alone” video ad. Lord Ganesha was highly revered in Hinduism and he was meant to be worshiped in temples or home shrines and not to be used in selling lamb meat for mercantile greed. Moreover, linking Lord Ganesha with meat was very disrespectful and highly inappropriate"
Check out how the people lashed out at the makers of the advertisement.

#BoycottLamb deport the maker to where they came from ๐ creating hate amongst communities. Shame
— Pardeep Bagri (@wholeworldisour) September 5, 2017
#BoycottLamb Respect for other's faith & culture is often ignored to create controversy & get a few minutes of fame.
— Karthik Arasu (@arasu_karthik) September 5, 2017