Uri star Vicky Kaushal who is known for his explicit performance is all set to star in Bhanu Pratap Singh’s untitled horror-comedy film which also stares Bhumi Pednekar. According to the reports, Vicky who was shooting in Gujarat has sustained the injury where he has hurt his cheekbone terribly while shooting for an action scene.
Masaan actor was rushed to hospital where doctors declared that he has fractured his cheekbone and has suffered 13 stitches. According to reports, he was shooting in Alang, Gujarat where the world’s largest shipping yard is located. He was shooting for the scene where he has to break open the door on a ship and as soon as he collided with the door while the door fell on him instead of falling on the opposite side and due to this he hurt his cheekbone.
Due to his injury, he will be away from the shooting until he recovers. Meanwhile, the first instalment of film has been shot in Mumbai and in Alag they were filming for the second instalment from the past five days before this accident happened on the sets.
Vicky Kaushal is known for his versatile acting in his last film Uri: The Surgical Strike apart from Uri he debuts with Masaan and went on to work in films like Raman Raghav, Sanju among others.
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