76 militants killed in Afghanistan

News Agencies 13 January 2018, 17:48 IST

76 militants killed in Afghanistan

At least 76 militants were killed in military operations conducted by the Afghan National Defence and Security Force members in the last 24 hours, across eight provinces in Afghanistan.

The country's defence ministry confirmed the operations in a statement on Saturday: "Our forces killed 76 militants in eight provinces over the last 24 hours. Also, three key Taliban commanders named Ehsanullah, Haidar and Qahraman were among those killed in the offensives."

The defence ministry added that around 14 militants were arrested during the operations, Tolo News reported.

"The military operations were conducted in Nangarhar, Laghman, Nuristan, Ghazni, Uruzgan, Herat, Faryab and Jawzjan provinces. Several hideouts of terrorists and their weapons were destroyed during the military operations", the ministry stated.

"The mission included six special operations and nine clearance operations in eight provinces. The Afghan Air Force conducted 93 flights during this mission", added the ministry.

The defence ministry did not mention the possible casualties of the security forces and the civilians during the operations.

The Taliban has not yet commented on the recent development so far.