Trump in excellent health: White House doctor

News Agencies 13 January 2018, 15:17 IST

Trump in excellent health: White House doctor

The White House doctor on Friday declared that the United States President Donald Trump was in 'excellent health' after Trump underwent his first medical check-up as the US president.

The news on Trump's health has put speculations to rest when he came under intense scrutiny on his mental fitness.

Interestingly, this comes after he reportedly referred to the immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries as "s---holes", in an immigration meeting at the White House earlier.

A group of 54 African countries have demanded Trump to apologise and retract his comments on the immigrants.

The Guardian reported that the US president spent three hours on his check-up with the White House doctor Ronny Jackson and military doctors at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Jackson described the check-up went 'exceptionally well'.

"The president is in excellent health and I look forward to briefing some of the details on Tuesday," said Jackson.

The White House will determine what information will be released, to the public regarding the check-up, since Trump is not compelled to release any information soon.

Former US presidents have undergone at least one medical check-up which is considered compulsory.

The White House had made it clear that Trump's examination would not include a psychiatric test. The general check-up results of former US presidents have included basic information such as weight, blood pressure, heartbeat and cholesterol levels.

Barbara Perry, the director of presidential studies at the University of Virginia's Miller Center said, "There is a long history of the White House picking and choosing what to reveal about the commander in chief's health. For example, John F. Kennedy disclosed war injuries but not the fact he suffered from Addison's disease, a degenerative condition."

Before Trump assumed the presidency, he had released a report from his personal doctor in New York, saying that he would be "the healthiest individual ever elected to be the president."