France plans to act against Google, Apple for commercial malpractices

Speed News Desk 14 March 2018, 18:13 IST

France plans to act against Google, Apple for commercial malpractices

France is set to take legal action against the parent company of the online giant Google that is Alphabet incorporated. The US technology giants may have to face the heat in France for taking advantages of the French developers.

“I learned that when developers develop their applications and sell to Google and Apple, their prices are imposed, Google and Apple take all their data, Google and Apple can unilaterally rewrite their contracts,” Le Maire said on RTL radio. “All that is unacceptable and it’s not the economy that we want. They can’t treat our start-ups and developers the way they do.”

Le Maire said the fines could be in the “millions of euros.”

Representatives of the Google and Apple didn't come forward to comment on the issue.
La Maire's office said that an investigation has been ordered into the matter. Also, there have been significant imbalances between in the relationship between the two companies and developers who sold via their application stores. There has been a similar probe into the accounts of Amazon Inc. and the irregularities have been grave and Le Parisien reported last December that the French finance ministry is seeking to fine Amazon €10 million.

France has been consistently clashing with Online giants like Amazon, Google and Facebook. France has been one of the loudest voices when it comes to taking on the wrong-doings of the online giants. France has more than once taken the issues to the European Union level.

Interestingly, Google, Amazon and Facebook have praised France for its talented pool of engineers and researchers over the past years.