Long-Standing Office Bearers to be Removed, Newcomers to Get a Chance

Catch Team 20 June 2024, 23:09 IST

Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan): After years of dominance, long-standing office bearers in sports associations in Jhunjhunu and other parts of the state will be removed, and new faces will be given a chance. Additionally, 25% of sports association members will comprise players. The National Sports Development Code-2011 will be implemented in the state, including Jhunjhunu, to bring about this change.

What's New in the Code

Under the new code, individuals above 70 years of age will not be eligible to hold office in sports associations. At least 25% of members in a sports association must be players. No office bearer can hold a position for more than eight years, and after eight years, they must take a break of at least four years. Government employees who want to become office bearers in sports associations must obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their department. A president of a sports association can hold office for a maximum of 12 years.

Failure to Implement May Result in Loss of Recognition

The National Sports Development Code-2011 was created by the Indian Olympic Association and the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India, in 2011. However, it has not been implemented yet. The state's sports department has given a two-month deadline to all state and district associations to implement the code. If not implemented, the recognition of these associations may be revoked.

One Game, Multiple Associations

In Rajasthan, there are multiple associations for the same sport, causing confusion among players about which association to join. Now, only associations registered with the state or national sports council, Olympic Association, or the central sports ministry will be recognized. These associations must upload their annual sports activities, election, and executive committee information online.

Changes in Jhunjhunu

In Jhunjhunu, many sports organizations will see a change in leadership. Office bearers in sports like football, volleyball, and others may be replaced. There are over 40 registered sports associations in the state, but a few individuals have been dominating these organizations.

More Opportunities for Players

With the implementation of the National Sports Development Code-2011, players will get more opportunities. At least 25% of members in sports associations will comprise players, giving them more representation and opportunities.

Youth to Take Charge

Older office bearers in sports associations who have been in power for years will be removed, and younger individuals will take charge. This change will bring many benefits to the sports sector.