Sadhvi Prachi lashes out at Rahul Gandhi for calling 'India as rape capital of the world'

Speed News Desk 8 December 2019, 19:25 IST

Sadhvi Prachi lashes out at Rahul Gandhi for calling 'India as rape capital of the world'

Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader Sadhvi Prachi on sunday stated that the country’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru was the “biggest rapist”.

In response to Rahul Gandhi’s statement saying that ‘India is the rape capital of the world’, VHP leader told reporters, "Our country is the country of Rama and Krishna. What Rahul Gandhi would say! The biggest rapist was Nehru, who has spoiled the culture of Rama and Krishna."

"Terrorism, Naxalism, corruption, and rape are all gifts of Nehru family," she added.

Rahul Gandhi on Saturday said that India is recognized as the rape capital of the world and the other countries are pondering upon why India is not able to look after its women.

"India is known as the rape capital of the world. Foreign nations are asking why India is unable to look after its daughters and sisters. An MLA of the Bharatiya Janata Party from Uttar Pradesh is involved in the rape of a woman and the Prime Minister doesn't say a word," Gandhi had said while addressing his party workers.

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