PM Modi vows to fight terrorism, corruption, casteism, communalism

News Agencies 15 August 2017, 11:48 IST

PM Modi vows to fight terrorism, corruption, casteism, communalism

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 15 August vowed to fight terrorism, corruption, casteism, and communalism.

Addressing the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort on the occasion of India's 71st Independence Day, Prime Minister Modi reiterated government's resolve to fight against terrorism.

Sending a strong message against terrorism, Prime Minister Modi said there is no question of being soft on terrorists and terrorism will be dealt with iron fist.

The Prime Minister said India is fighting the menace of terrorism jointly with the global community.

Prime Minister Modi also mentioned 2016 surgical strike in his speech and said that when India conducted surgical strikes then the world had to acknowledge its might.

Talking about national security, Prime Minister Modi said the concern for national security is a natural one in an independent India.

Reiterating the government's commitment to the armed forces, Prime Minister Modi said, "For 30 or 40 years, the matter of One Rank One Pension was stuck. But our government took steps to fulfil the demand of our security personnel."

He further added, "Our security forces have always shown their capabilities whenever on duty. Whether it is terrorism or infiltrators, our security personnel have always been ready for sacrifice."

Talking about Kashmir issue, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that Kashmir issue can't be resolved with bullets and abuses but by embracing Kashmiris.

The Prime Minister further added that "we have to work for the progress of Jammu and Kashmir and we are committed to restoring Kashmir's status of Heaven on Earth".

The Prime Minister also vowed to continue fight against corruption and termed 'November 2016 demonetisation' as a tool against black money.

"Through note ban, the black money came out. It was our endeavour to recover black money and then make it a constructive part of the economy," Prime Minister Modi said.

He further added that Rs 2. 25 lakh crore is under scanner which was deposited in the banks after demonetisation.

The Prime Minister also said that since the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government came into power in 2014, the government has recovered Rs 1.25 lakh crore black money within three years.

Prime Minister Modi said that after demonetisation, the government cracked down over shell companies that were acting as a front for hawala transactions.

"The businessmen with black money used to run shell companies. After demonetisation, three lakh shell companies were found. And out of that, we cancelled the registration of 1.75 lakh companies," PM Modi said.

The Prime Minister also strongly displayed his commitment to continue fight against corruption.

"The honesty is being honoured everywhere and those who have looted the nation and looted the poor are not able to sleep peacefully today."

Prime Minister Modi said the poor of the country are joining the mainstream and the country is moving on the path of development.

Referring to the roll-out of Goods and Services Tax, Prime Minister Modi said the new indirect tax regime has shown the spirit of cooperative federalism and the nation has come together to support GST.

He said the role of technology has also helped immensely in implementing the new tax regime.

The Prime Minister also said that violence in the name of faith is not acceptable as casteism and communalism will not help the country to move forward.

On agriculture, Prime Minister Modi said the NDA government has taken several steps for the growth of this sector starting from Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana to Krishi Sichayin Yojana.

"Large numbers of farmers are joining the crop insurance scheme. The foodgrain production is increasing in the country and this year, the country has achieved a record production of pulses."

On infrastructure, the Prime Minister said road and rail construction is progressing at a double pace and the government is taking the nation on a new track.

Prime Minister Modi put special emphasis on the New Years' Day 2018, telling Indians that the year will mark the coming of age of a whole generation which will steer India forward.

"I welcome all the youths who will turn 18 in 2018. Now, you are getting an opportunity to be a part of the force which develops India," said the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Modi also said the people of India stand shoulder to shoulder with those affected due to natural disasters and the tragedy in Gorakhpur in which several children died at BRD Medical College Hospital.

The Prime Minister assured that the government is standing behind them with full sensitivity for their security and safety in the time crisis. He said natural disasters are posing a great challenge to the country.

He said there is no one big or small in the country but everybody is equal and positive changes can be brought in the country by remaining united.

Referring to collective power of the people, he said it forced the British Empire to leave India.

Prime Minister Modi also talked about Triple Talaq.

Reiterating his government's support to the movement against Triple Talaq, the Prime Minister added that India will also support Muslim women in their struggle.

Concluding his hour-long speech, the Prime Minister resolved to make an India where everyone will have full opportunity to grow and which will also be clean, healthy and fulfill the dream of Swaraj.

Main Independence Day function was held at the Red Fort of the national capital where Prime Minister Narendra Modi hoisted the National Flag.

The unfurling of the tri-colour was synchronized with the 21 Gun Salute fired by the valiant gunners of the elite 2281 Field Regiment (Ceremonial).

Earlier, Prime Minister Modi inspected the guard of honour at Red Fort and visited the Rajghat to pay floral tribute to the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi.