Hindu Mahasabha chief sees coronavirus as an 'avatar' to punish non-vegetarians

Speed News Desk 17 February 2020, 13:52 IST

Hindu Mahasabha chief sees coronavirus as an 'avatar' to punish non-vegetarians

With cases of coronavirus spreading globally, the experts and medical officials have been trying to discover treatment and vaccines to pun an end to the spread of the deadly virus. But Hindu Mahasabha perceives it as an ‘avatar’ to penalize non vegetarians.

"Corona is not a virus, but avatar for the protection of poor creatures. they have come to give the message of death and punishment to the one who eats them," said Swami Chakrapani, the National President of All India Hindu Mahasabha.

Strange as it may seem, Swami Chakrapani drew a parallel with Lord Narsingh taking an avatar to punish a demon with that of Chinese being "taught a lesson" for torturing animals and not turning vegetarian.

Swami also went on to claim that there is a way out of these health epidemic, for the Chinese.

As claimed by him, the Chinese President Xi Jinping should "create an idol of Corona and seek forgiveness" and all non vegetarian Chinese population should "pledge of not harming any innocent creatures in future, then the anger if Corona will come down".

“if Chinese follow his prescription, the "avatar" will "return to its world". He added.

Swami Chakrapani, however, certained Indians of not being careful of the virus, having said that three people have already been tested positive with the virus in India. According to him, "God worshipping and Gau Raksha believer Indians" are immune to coronavirus.

As of now, a total of 69,268 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 1,670 reported deaths have been reported worldwide. Out of which, 68,500 cases detected and 1,666 cases of death teported, in China alone.

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