Abandoned by children, this 85-year-old man in China wanted to be adopted but help reached him after death

Swapna Mohanty 3 May 2018, 12:12 IST

Abandoned by children, this 85-year-old man in China wanted to be adopted but help reached him after death

The 85-Year-Old Chinese man Han Zicheng had put himself for adoption. He was a survivor of the Japanese invasion which happened from 1931-1937. He was the resident of Tianjin, a port city in northeastern China. 

Last December he wrote on a piece of paper "Looking for someone to adopt me," He even wrote that he was lonely in his 80s but strong enough to shop, cook and has no chronic illness. He even shared that he retired from a scientific research institute and gets a monthly pension of $950 a month.

He wished for adoption and a home where he can spend rest of his life. He expects someone to be with him through his old age and bury his body when he is gone.


In a desperate need of someone to accompany, he went out and taped a copy of this adoption note behind the buses standing in the bus shelter. He was all alone, his wife passed away lone back, children were not in contact and neighbours were busy raising their children and they have ageing parents to see.

China's one-child policy to improve living standard states that two parents can have an only child. This has led to one of tens of millions of Chinese growing old without enough support.

China's one-child policy to improve living standard states that two parents can have the only child. This has led to one of tens of millions of Chinese growing old without enough support. In the year 2013, the Chinese government made parental visits compulsory giving elderly people a little protection.

To know why the elder citizens are left alone when they need a caring shoulder, the founder of a helpline for senior citizen named Beijing Love Delivery said, "Family and society find it hard to understand the grumpiness, the depression that comes with growing old." On March 17, 2018, Han's son, Han Chang confirmed that his father has died.

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