Swift Attack Video: Crocodile vs Drone

Speed News Desk 27 June 2024, 15:49 IST

Swift Attack Video: Crocodile vs Drone

In this viral video, a drone is flying above the water. It looks like the drone's sound annoys the crocodile. The video shows the crocodile trying to snatch the drone hovering above it. 

As the drone gets close to the water, the crocodile leaps up, trying to catch it in its jaws. It's a narrow escape. The drone gets away from the crocodile's sudden jump.

Crocodiles are very agile, capable of swift action and impressive vertical jumps. This allows them to surprise prey and navigate their environment with ease.

While the exact height a crocodile can jump varies among species and individuals. Some reports suggest crocodiles can reach heights of around 1 to 2 times their body length.

This makes crocodiles formidable predators in their natural habitats.