Instant Karma Strikes: Gravity-Defying Lesson!

Speed News Desk 24 June 2024, 14:36 IST

Instant Karma Strikes: Gravity-Defying Lesson!

This man tries to assert his dominance over the massive bull. We warn that no one should even attempt this foolish act. When faced with the raw animal power, this man found himself swung into the air before crashing down on earth.

Shared on Twitter by @karmaclips, the video quickly gained attention.
Instead of achieving viral fame for his courage, the man teaches a lesson in respecting powerful animals. This is a reminder that seeking attention through reckless stunts can have serious consequences.


For a fleeting moment, success seems within reach.

However, instant karma intervenes as the bull, fed up with the antics, executes a swift head roll.

The result? Our protagonist takes an airborne detour before crash-landing back to reality – the unforgiving ground.