Man's world turned upside down after discovering wife's true identity

Speed News Desk 18 March 2023, 10:43 IST

Man's world turned upside down after discovering wife's true identity

Discovering your spouse is your sibling can be an unimaginable experience, but for a man who has recently learned that his wife of six years is actually his sister, it has been nothing short of a nightmare.

The man, who was adopted at birth, has been left reeling after discovering that he is genetically related to the mother of his two young children.

Adopted Life
The man had always known he was adopted but never expected that the truth about his biological parents would be so devastating. He knew nothing about his birth parents, as he was part of a closed adoption, but he never imagined that it would lead him to a life-altering revelation.

Kidney Donation
The man underwent testing to see if he could donate a kidney to his wife, who was in need of a transplant after becoming ill following the birth of their son. After being told that he was a match, the doctor explained that additional testing was required due to some information from the HLA tissue test results.

Abnormally High Match Percentage
When the results of the additional testing came back, the man was shocked to learn that he and his wife had an "abnormally high match percentage". The doctor explained that, due to how DNA information is passed down through generations, a parent to a child could have at least a 50 per cent match, and siblings could have a 0-100 per cent match. It was rare to have such a high match as husband and wife.

Unthinkable Revelation
The man met his wife eight years ago while he was working away from his hometown office. They exchanged numbers and began meeting up every time he travelled to her state with work until he was allowed to transfer his job there permanently. When he discovered the unthinkable revelation, he was left struggling with what to do next.

Online Reactions
After sharing his experience on Reddit, users weighed in on how he should proceed. Some advised him to keep quiet and move forward, while others recommended seeking professional help to navigate the situation.

Discovering a devastating truth about one's life can be a traumatic experience, and this man's story highlights just how devastating that revelation can be. With a family to consider, he now faces a difficult decision about how to move forward with his life while dealing with the emotional and psychological trauma caused by this discovery.