Faceoff with Police: Congress protest takes a comical turn as 'groom' gets tossed around

Manoj Kumar Rohilla 16 March 2023, 14:38 IST

Faceoff with Police: Congress protest takes a comical turn as 'groom' gets tossed around

New Delhi: Have you ever seen a groom getting rejected by the police before his wedding day? Well, the Congress workers have just witnessed it in a recent protest against the Adani row.

In a hilarious turn of events, a Congress worker dressed as a groom tried to cross the barricades during the protest. But the police weren't in the mood to let this groom get away with it, and they were quick to catch him in the act.

The video shows the Congress workers struggling to push the "groom" over the barricades, as if he were a giant wedding cake that needed to be delivered to the other side. But the police were equally determined to keep the groom on their side, and they managed to stop him from crossing over.

It was a funny sight to see the groom being tossed around like a hot potato, as the Congress workers and police personnel battled it out. The video went viral on Twitter, with people making memes and jokes about the incident.


One user tweeted, "I guess the police didn't want to let the groom 'Adani' his way through the barricades."

Another user wrote, "Looks like the Congress workers thought they could dump their problems on the police, but they ended up dumping the groom instead."

All in all, it was a comical moment amid a serious issue. Let's hope that both sides can come to a resolution without resorting to tossing grooms around in the future.