Oppo has launched a smartphone under the midrange in which Xiaomi Remi Note 5 Pro is ruling. In an announcement company released a brand new smartphone of Rs 15,990 which is the upgraded version of Oppo A83 which was selling at the price of Rs 13,990. If we talk about Redmi Note 5 pro it has been listed at the price of Rs 13,999 on the e-commerce platform. Here we are doing a comparison of Oppo A83 (2018) and Redmi Note 5 pro. Vivo V7 will also be part of this competition see details below.
Oppo A83 (2018) specifications
Oppo this brand new handset has sleek bezel full HD display of 5.7 inch with (1440x720) pixel screen resolution. The company has said the A83 smartphone is the second biggest smartphone after A series. Oppo has studded with Artificial intelligence for making the selfie better. This handset is powered by 2.5 GHz octa-core processor along with 4 GB RAM and 64 GB internal storage which is expandable to 256 GB.
Redmi Note 5 Pro
Xiaomi popular handset Redmi Note 5 Pro has 4 GB RAM and 64 GB internal storage which is expandable to 128 GB. This handset has 5.99-inch handset along with dual rear camera which is of 12 MP + 5MP and a secondary camera of 20 MP. This smartphone has Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 processor and massive power backup of 4000 mAh.
Vivo V7
This handset was launched in November 2017, this handset is available at the price of Rs 16,990. This smartphone is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 1.8 octa-core processor along with 4 GB RAM and 32 GB internal storage, expandable to 256 GB. This handset has full HD display of 5.7 inches and fingerprint sensor. If we talk about the camera it has 16 MP Rear camera and 24 MP front camera. It has power back up of 3000 mAh and runs operating system Android Nougat 7.1.