The Reliance Jio has announced a new Diwali Dhan Dhana Dhan offer for the users as it is providing 100 percent cash back to the users on the 399 Rs recharge. The cashback will be given as vouchers when users will recharge their numbers. The offer has started from today on 12th October and it will be valid until 18th October, just a day before Diwali which will be celebrated on 19 October this year.
The Rs 399 recharge will provide 84GB of data (in tranches of 1GB per day), free SMS, subscription to Jio apps and free calls, with the validity of 84 days. However, for the postpaid users, all facilities will be the same but only validity will be changed as three months billing cycle.
According to the Diwali Dhan Dhana Dhan offer, the customers, who will go for the recharge of 399 in between 12th October to 18th October, will get 50 Rs 8 vouchers that will amount to Rs 400. The vouchers can be redeemed with next recharges of 309 or above and other 91 Rs will be given as the data plan.
However, only one voucher can be redeemed at a time and the users will be able to redeem the vouchers from 15th November only. Now according to the details, if you have a 50 Rs vouchers, then you should have to pay only Rs 259 through net banking on the recharge of 309.
The offer will be available for those customers also whose validity still remains. The offer will be available for the users on MYJio app, website, Jio Store outlets, Reliance Digital large-format stores and other Reliance partners.