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Philanthropic Farmer Donates Emergency Ward to Government Hospital

Catch Team | Updated on: 19 June 2024, 20:56 IST

Ganganagar (Rajasthan): In accordance with the principles of scriptures, it is essential for humans to set aside a portion of their earnings to support those in need or donate to a noble cause. Kishan Lal Chugh, a resident of Ward Number 11, has been following this principle and donating a part of his income to help others. Recently, he has taken his philanthropy to the next level by constructing an emergency ward at the government hospital at a cost of lakhs.

Kishan Lal Chugh recounted that during a visit to the hospital with his wife, Vimala Devi, he realized the urgent need for better medical facilities. He shared his idea with his sons and, after receiving their approval, approached Dr. Rahul Jain, who encouraged him to pursue the project. The emergency ward, spanning 20x47 feet, is nearing completion and will soon be handed over to the hospital administration.

The newly constructed emergency ward will be well-equipped with modern facilities, including lights, coolers, and a waiting area for patients' attendants. The ward will have eight beds, eight benches, a modern toilet, and a bathroom. Ravi Kumar Chugh, advocate and notary of the Bhama Shah family, stated that the ward is fully furnished and will provide better medical facilities to patients.

The inauguration of the emergency ward is scheduled to take place on June 22 in the presence of officials. Rajesh Chugh and Prem Chugh of the Bhama Shah family emphasized that the construction of the emergency ward is a significant step towards improving medical facilities in the government hospital, which will benefit patients and their families.

Kishan Lal Chugh's philanthropic endeavor is a shining example of community service, and his contribution to the hospital will undoubtedly make a significant impact on the lives of many.

First published: 19 June 2024, 20:56 IST