South star Kamal Haasan's daughter Akshara Haasan has become a victim of cybercrime and her private pictures have gone viral on social media. The pictures that are getting viral on social media are really too private and Akshara have never shared these pictures on social media.
#AksharaHaasan #ShrutiHaasan
— Actress Deewana (@ActressDeewana) November 2, 2018
Akshara who made her Bollywood debut with Shamitabh starring alongside Amitabh Bachchan and Dhanush are being seen in undergarments and she is taking selfies. Fans have not seen her previously like this and these pictures are not getting clicked by Akshara herself. Now Cyber cell is looking forward for it that who have leaked these pictures on social media.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN ๐ ๐ป #la #funnight #gruesome
— shruti haasan (@shrutihaasan) November 1, 2018
Let us tell you that Akshara Haasan made her Bollywood debut with Shamitabh starring Amitabh Bachchan and Dhanush and the film was released in 2015. This was Akshara Haasan's first film and after that, she also worked with Vivaan Shah in her next film Laali Ki Shaadi Mein Laaddoo Deewana.