In a shocking incident, a woman was allegedly gang-raped by three men in a beauty parlour in Kolkata. The three accused have been arrested for their alleged involvement in repeatedly raping her, the police said Saturday. The incident took place in Kolkata's Tiljala area.
Based on the complaint lodged by the survivor, police on Friday arrested the three, a Kolkata Police officer said. A medical test conducted on the woman confirmed rape, he said.
According to the complaint, the victim was called by one of the accused to the beauty parlour where he allegedly raped her. While the incident was filmed by two other men present there. They then allegedly took turns to rape the woman, the police officer said.
After committing a crime, the trio threatened the woman of circulating the video on social media and continued raping her, he added.
We are looking into the matter and have collected evidence. Our special officers have spoken to her, the police official said.
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