Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar,who has led his support to Centre's nominee for the post of President on Sunday, asserted that he will not blindly follow anybody's ideology, as he has his own viewpoints and he believes in them.
Taking a dig at Congress, Kumar, in a meeting with party colleagues, raked Ram Manohar Lohia and said, the great leader had dubbed that the grand old party practices Gandhian rules for political benefits.
"We will not blindly follow anyone, we will deal with whatever happens in the future. We have our principles and we believe in them. And we are firm on our Principles and beliefs ," said Nitish.
"Our principles did not change, their (Congress') principles are changing. Lohia ji had dubbed Congress as 'Sarkari gandhiwaadi'."
Kumar last week broke ranks with the opposition to support Kovind.
National spokesperson of the JD(U) K C Tyagi made a formal announcement in the evening about the JD(U)'s decision support Kovind.
"We had discussions with party MLAs and it was decided to support Kovind. The MLAs were of the opinion that Kovind is a good man and had a non-controversial stint as Governor of Bihar," he said.