Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Indian Railways Humsafar Express train on his visit to Champaran District in Bihar on Tuesday. The Humsafar express will connect the Katihar and New Delhi. He also inaugurated the Bapudham railway station. Prime Minister is visiting Champaran on the occasion of final ceremony of centenary celebration of “ Champaran Satyagrah” organised by the Bihar Government. Mahatma Gandhi did “ Champaran Satyagrah” in 1917 to protest against the exploitation of Indigo farmers.
Humsafar is the new bi-weekly train running between Katihar and New Delhi, serving to 33 parliamentary constituencies on its route. Humsafar Train is an initiative of India railway to provide the good class service to middle-class passengers at low cost. First Humsafar train was launched last year in December, 2016 from Gorakhpur to Anand Vihar. 15705 is the allocated number of Champaran Humsafar express. It will take 30 hours of travelling time, covering the distance of 1472 KM, stopping at 15 halts on its route.
The hon'ble PM @narendramodi flagged off a new bi-weekly train called Champaran Humsafar Express, at the commemoration of the Satyagraha se Swachhagraha campaign. #ChaloChamparan #चलो_चंपारण
— Swachh Bharat (@swachhbharat) April 10, 2018
Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the project to double line the Muzaffarpur-Narkatiyaganj Railway track along with electrification work of Motihari-Muzaffarpur railway line. He released the curtain from locomotive developed by the India and France collectively. He also addressed the “ Swachh Bharat Mission” volunteers along with releasing some other schemes. District magistrate said in a statement that “A sprawling tent-city, 'Swachhagram', was set up to accommodate 'Swachchh Bharat Mission' volunteers from other states”. He initiated the work of sewerage projects, this project will be able to treat the sewerage of 60 million litres per day in Patna, Bihar worth of 1000 crores.