Migrant workers, stranded in Karnataka due to lockdown, staged a protest on Friday at the Central Railway Station here, demanding to be sent back to their respective native places. The workers demanded the state government to take measures and send them back to their homes.
Maintaining social distancing and covering their faces with masks, the workers were holding placards which read -- "We want to go home Jharkhand, We want justice and we want to go home."
They appealed to the state government to arrange trains and buses to ferry them to their native places and threatened to walk home if denied transport.
Several protests have erupted in different parts of the country, such as Andhra Pradesh and Kerala, as stranded labourers took to the roads demanding to be sent back home.
The Ministry of Home Affairs on May 1 had issued an order to extend the ongoing lockdown by two more weeks from May 4 with some relaxations.
Also Read: Coronavirus: Karnataka reports 45 new cases; tally reaches 750