After the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) conducted raids on Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) Chief Lalu Prasad Yadav's residences today, Union Minister Giriraj Singh on Friday urged Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar to break his silence on the issue and clear his stand about his alliance with the former.
Singh taunted Kumar and said that latter, who talks of good governance and zero tolerance towards crime, cannot remain a mute spectator anymore.
"The truth has come out. Now Nitish Kumar has to decide, he talks about zero tolerance crime, good governance. Law taking its course, now Nitish ji cannot remain a mute spectator. He will have to speak out and state his stand clearly. CBI is investigating the matter, earlier also he went to jail on fodder scam and again he is under scanner of the law," said Singh.
The CBI earlier today conducted searches at 12 locations across Patna, Delhi, Gurgaon and other places in connection with a case linked to a hotel maintenance contract awarded by Lalu Yadav when he was the Railway Minister in 2006.
The CBI has also registered a case against Yadav on the allegations of awarding the tender for development, maintenance and operation of Hotels at Ranchi and Puri to a Private Company dealing with Hotels in the year 2006.
The CBI has also registered a case against the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) Chief's wife, son, then MD, IRCTC, a Private person, two Directors of Private Company, a Private Marketing Company and unknown in the same.