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Remarkable Intelligence of Elephants: Nature's Gifted Mega Herbivores

Speed News Desk | Updated on: 24 September 2023, 18:57 IST
elephant viral video

Human activities, from deforestation to urban sprawl, have harmed the environment and encroached upon animal habitats. This encroachment disrupts ecosystems, displaces wildlife, and hinders their natural movement, threatening biodiversity and obstructing animals' right to passage. But elephants are known to find a way to survive, thanks to their memory and intelligence. 

Elephants have earned their place as one of the most intelligent megaherbivores on the planet, and their incredible abilities never cease to amaze us.

Elephants have shown instances of tool use. This ability is evident in the video shared on social media. They use branches to swat insects, scratch themselves, or even dig for water. This ability to employ tools demonstrates their adaptability and creativity.


Exceptional Memory
One of the most famous attributes of elephants is their exceptional memory. They can remember past events, recognize individual humans, and even navigate through vast landscapes with a profound sense of direction. This memory is not just a matter of convenience; it's an essential skill for their survival.

Problem-Solving Prowess
Elephants have demonstrated their problem-solving abilities in numerous studies. They can figure out complex tasks, such as opening locks or solving puzzles, with remarkable dexterity. Their cognitive prowess is a testament to their adaptability and resourcefulness.

Elephants have passed the mirror test, indicating a level of self-awareness. They can recognize themselves in a mirror, suggesting a sophisticated level of consciousness and self-identity.

First published: 21 September 2023, 11:19 IST