A piece of shocking news has come to light from Delhi’s Bharat Nagar where a three-year-old boy was hit by his father’s car accidentally and dragged for almost 20 meters on Monday evening.
The whole incident was captured in the CCTV footage and went viral on social media.
In the video, the child’s father identified as Aas Mohammed had dropped off his child after picking up from his school.
As per the reports of TOI, DCP (northwest) Vijayanta Arya said that the incident took place at around 5:17 pm when Mohammed brought his son (Gulam) back to home. As father dropped his son, soon he got a phone call.
Reportedly, Mohammed thought that Gulam had crossed the road, hence, he started driving. Unfortunately, Gulam came under the car and dragged at least 20 meters far.
After knowing about this hair-raising incident, passerby shouted and stopped the car. Soon, the boy was rushed to the hospital. Meanwhile, the situation of the boy is critical.
Meanwhile, Police is doing an investigation into the case and also scanning the CCTV footage of the area.
Note: We are not sharing the video of the accident as it contains some sensitive content which could break some community guidelines.
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