Mumbai skipper Rohit Sharma shared a video of him singing the famous song ‘Asli Hip-Hop’ from the movie Gully Boy. Rohit was singing the song for his daughter Samaira and was seen playing with her in the video. Now Bollywood superstar Ranveer Singh reacted on the video Rohit shared. Ranveer commented saying the video was, “OHO ROHIT BHAI! EK NUMBER! #bestthingiveseenonthenet.”
OHO ROHIT BHAI! EK NUMBER! 😍 #bestthingiveseenonthenet
— Ranveer Singh (@RanveerOfficial) March 25, 2019
While Rohit Sharma is breaking internet with his Gully Boy rap, Mumbai Indians lost their opening IPL match against Delhi Capitals by 37 runs.
Rishabh Pant stole the show at Wankhede yesterday, his 27-ball 78 proved to be a match winning knock. When Pant walked out to bat Delhi Capitals were 112 for 3 after 13 overs, Mumbai controlled the game really well until that point and then edged ahead with the wicket of Shikhar Dhawan as the visitors slipped to 131 for 4.
From there on, Pant took the matter in his own hands and successfully attacked Jasprit Bumrah, Krunal Pandya, Hardik Pandya and Ben Cutting. Mumbai was eventually shot down for 176 runs as they couldn’t chase the target of 214.
Rohit Sharma did not have an ideal start for his team in the Indian Premier League and this is not the first time. Since, 2013 Mumbai Indians have not won their opening match in the IPL and this year was no different. But we can’t rule out Mumbai Indians after a single loss.
Also read: Watch: Mumbai loves Yuvraj Singh and here's the video evidence of it