Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt will be soon seen together in Ayan Mukerji’s Dragon, which is slated to go on floor in next few weeks. Ranbir plays a boy who has some special powers in the film and it is said that he has immediately bonded well with Alia on the sets. A source says, “Even though Alia and Ranbir have practically going to work together in this film, they have socially met each other. So during their prep they become friends in no time. Post initial preparations and rehearsals, they have kept in touch with each other via calls and messages. In fact Ranbir is also helping Ayan in designing her character and is taking a lot of interest in it.”
Alia and Ranbir have seen attending lot of parties together in the past as they belong to same friend circle and have also worked with common directors. Alia has said in one of her earlier interviews that she likes Ranbir’s acting skills and Ranbir too has made similar statement. Ranbir had also promoted her film Highway which was directed by Imtiaz Ali and it helped her bagged many honour.
Speed News Desk
| Updated on: 9 October 2017, 16:25 IST
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