Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have tied the nuptial knot on 2nd December. Priyanka fans were keeping their eyes on the each and every update about their wedding. However, Priyanka Chopra herself shared her pre-wedding and post-wedding pics on her social media account first and brought Internet by storm.
Their wedding style has become the attraction of the netizens as they had planned their wedding like an event. Be it a cricket match or star-studded night performances from bride and groom’s side, all have grabbed the attraction.
But, there is something more from the Prick’s wedding that grabbed the eyeballs, i.e. their wedding cake. Yes, Nick and Priyanka’s 18-foot wedding cake caught the attention of millions of eyeballs.
The extravagant cake has at least six layers and the couple cut the cake with a knife in their Christian traditional wedding.
See video:
After watching this multi-layered cake, netizens can’t stop talking about it and also started saying that it should be cut with a sword not with a knife.
Check out how Twitterati reacted:
I wonder if I can rent out Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas' wedding cake on AirBnB.
— Hanna "Noble Warrior Hero" Flint (@HannaFlint) December 4, 2018
JK! As if I could afford a night's stay in that house.
I aspire to be as half as extra as Priyanka Chopra who had two weddings in one, a 75 foot veil at the Christian wedding, and an 18 foot tall cake made by chefs all over the world (including Dubai)... I’m fucking SHOOK
— mehak🎄🎅🏽 (@vivalaziam) December 4, 2018
I get it — Nick Jonas + Priyanka Chopra got married. (I’ve seen the hundreds of photos.) But I honestly just want to see photos of their wedding cake.
— Amina Ahmad (@aminaahmad) December 4, 2018
Really, where they at?
i know you still got cake left @priyankachopra send me some sis
— furniturewala (@kalindivdw) December 4, 2018
okay nick & priyanka's wedding was beautiful & stunning & yes i hope they're happy but the amount of money that went into it low key makes me uncomfortable like good god an 18-foot wedding cake?? 2.5 million dollars for their photos?? i just- that's a life i don't understand
— Anne-Marie Varga (@amvarga13) December 5, 2018 has shared several exclusive pictures from Niyanka’s wedding in Umaid Bhawan. The cake was prepared by the chefs from Kuwait and Dubai, People reported.