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Video: Unity is strength, leopard gets a quick lesson!

News Agencies | Updated on: 29 June 2024, 16:56 IST
Unity is strength, leopard gets a quick lesson!

The bigger animals kill and devour the smaller ones. Those at the lower end of the food chain become prey to those perched at the top of the food chain.

This is the general rule of nature. But nature never stops surprising us.

The video shows baboons calmly occupying the road, but then, a leopard barges in to make one of the baboons its prey.


The situation turns against the leopard. Moving swiftly, the baboons encircle the leopard from all sides. The leopard finds itself trapped.

With remarkable teamwork and strategy, the baboons fend off the predator.

A humbling defeat 
The leopard is visibly disoriented and beaten by the baboons' coordinated response. Ultimately, the leopard retreats and escapes into the safety of the jungle.

First published: 29 June 2024, 16:56 IST