Home » Bizarre News » Never Attempt This: Dangerous Stunt with Pressure Cooker

Never Attempt This: Dangerous Stunt with Pressure Cooker

News Agencies | Updated on: 20 May 2024, 10:17 IST
Dangerous Stunt

This video shows a group of men opening a pressure cooker without releasing the pressure. They think it is fun and can be heard laughing, oblivious to the risks involved.

But soon, they realize their blunder: the liquid and steam blast out, injuring the men nearby.


Pressure cookers are designed to create a highly pressurized environment. However, if a pressure cooker is opened suddenly, it can cause the rapid release of steam and hot contents.

Such actions can lead to explosions, posing a grave danger to everyone nearby.

Pressure cookers are equipped with pressure-release valves and locking systems. It is vital to follow the safety guidelines and avoid reckless acts like those seen in the video.

First published: 20 May 2024, 10:17 IST