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Nature's Ingenious Art: The Surprising Role of Tiger's Vertical Stripes in the Wild

Speed News Desk | Updated on: 31 July 2023, 15:51 IST
The Surprising Role of Tiger's Vertical Stripes in the Wild

Life in the wild never fails to astonish us with its myriad surprises and ingenious adaptations. One such marvel is found in the majestic tigers and their awe-inspiring vertical stripes.

Biologists refer to this as "disruptive colouration," a feature that plays a vital role in their survival.

The tiger's stripes serve as an evolutionary advantage, allowing them to blend seamlessly into their natural surroundings.

These bold patterns break up the tiger's body shape and size, effectively camouflaging them from unsuspecting prey.


When they move through dense foliage or hide in tall grass, the disruptive colouration grants them a significant advantage, making it incredibly difficult for their potential meals to detect their presence.

The tiger's vertical stripes are more than just a captivating sight; they are an example of nature's brilliance at work.

Life's surprises in the wild continue to mesmerize and inspire us, urging us to cherish and protect the diverse tapestry of life that surrounds us.


First published: 31 July 2023, 15:51 IST