Home » Bizarre News » Nature's Gentle Lesson: Sustainable harvesting through elephant's delicate touch

Nature's Gentle Lesson: Sustainable harvesting through elephant's delicate touch

Speed News Desk | Updated on: 20 June 2023, 8:53 IST
Sustainable harvesting through elephant's delicate touch

In Assam, a great lesson in sustainable harvesting unfolds, taught by the gentle giants themselves. A recent video shared on Twitter by wildlife official Susanta Nanda showcases the awe-inspiring behaviour of an elephant, demonstrating how it delicately shakes a tree to enjoy its most favourable fruit, all without causing any damage.

This mesmerizing display offers a valuable lesson for us humans on sustainable practices and coexistence with nature.


The viral video captures the grace and intelligence of these magnificent creatures as they go about their natural activities.

The elephant's careful approach to harvesting starkly contrasts the destructive methods often employed by humans. It serves as a reminder that we can learn from nature's wisdom and adopt more sustainable practices in our own lives.

By gently shaking the tree, the elephant allows only the ripest fruits to fall, leaving the unripe ones to mature and ensure future propagation. This mindful approach ensures the sustainability of the ecosystem and provides for the continuation of the fruit-bearing cycle.

First published: 20 June 2023, 8:53 IST