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Life Lesson: Life is too short to spend it on warring

Speed News Desk | Updated on: 6 April 2024, 11:56 IST
Lions encounter formidable rhinos


If you aspire to be happy, choose your battles wisely. Life isn't about how many times you grabbed the challenge to fight.

Fighting every battle doesn't make us happy in the long run. Rather, it's how often we turn away from a fight and choose to look towards another direction.

Life is too short to spend it on warring. Fight only the essential ones, and let the rest go.


A viral video from the animal kingdom serves as a powerful reminder that ego should sometimes take a backseat to wisdom.

In the video, two lions, considered apex predators, encounter two formidable rhinos.

Rather than asserting dominance, the lions step aside, recognizing the futility of unnecessary confrontation.

First published: 6 April 2024, 11:56 IST