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A lesson we can learn from animals (video): Sharing makes the world a better place

Speed News Desk | Updated on: 20 March 2023, 15:22 IST
The video captures the moment when a horse drops some grains out of his eating sack onto the ground so that the pigeons can have a meal.

A video recently shared on Twitter shows an incredible act of kindness and compassion from a horse towards some nearby pigeons.

The video captures the moment when a horse drops some grains out of his eating sack onto the ground so that the pigeons can have a meal.

The footage is a beautiful reminder of the fact that animals are capable of empathy and generosity, just like humans. It's easy to forget that animals have emotions and can exhibit behaviours that show care and concern for others, but this video is a powerful testament to that fact.

In the video, the horse is seen munching on some food while a group of pigeons are gathered nearby, looking for a meal. Without any apparent prompting, the horse drops some of the grains from his eating sack onto the ground, and the pigeons immediately start to peck at the food.


It's a heartwarming scene that highlights the interconnectedness of all living creatures. The horse didn't have to share his food with the pigeons, but he did anyway, demonstrating an act of kindness and generosity that's truly inspiring.

This video is a powerful reminder of how much we can learn from animals. While we might think of ourselves as the most intelligent and evolved species on the planet, animals are often capable of exhibiting behaviour that's far more compassionate and selfless than anything we could imagine.

In a world that can often be harsh and unforgiving, it's important to remember that acts of kindness and compassion can make a real difference. Whether it's dropping some food for hungry pigeons or simply taking the time to be kind to those around us, we can all do our part to make the world a better place.


First published: 20 March 2023, 15:02 IST