Home » Bizarre News » Hilarious Spill Alert: Boy Lives Out His Spiderman Daydream with Falling Jar Moment

Hilarious Spill Alert: Boy Lives Out His Spiderman Daydream with Falling Jar Moment

News Agencies | Updated on: 22 February 2024, 10:48 IST
Spiderman Daydream

In a heroic moment that even Iron Man would applaud, a pint-sized daredevil was caught on tape performing a jaw-dropping save, snatching a falling jar from the jaws of doom with Spiderman-like agility.

Convinced he had just unlocked the secrets of superherodom, the young dynamo immediately went into full Spidey mode, hands poised for web-slinging action.

Alas, after a couple of attempts that would make Peter Parker chuckle, our hero discovered his web-shooting ambitions were more "Web of Lies" than Marvel magic.

The video of our not-so-friendly neighbourhood Spider-Kid trying to defy gravity spread faster than rumours of a new Avengers movie. Social media erupted with folks sharing their own tales of heroic mishaps, proving that even in the real world, Spidey dreams sometimes get tangled in the web of reality.

The video of our not-so-friendly neighbourhood Spider-Kid trying to defy gravity spread faster than rumours of a new Avengers movie. Social media erupted with folks sharing their tales of heroic mishaps, proving that even in the real world, Spidey dreams sometimes get tangled in the web of reality.

First published: 22 February 2024, 10:48 IST