Home ยป Bizarre News ยป Don't mistreat animals: When a camel decides to teach a lesson to harasser

Don't mistreat animals: When a camel decides to teach a lesson to harasser

Speed News Desk | Updated on: 13 January 2022, 12:17 IST
Camel kicks man (Twitter)

Some of us think we can mistreat animals and get away with our misdeeds without being penalised for our actions. Well, not in this case.

It appears the group of people is harassing the camel. One of them tried to pull the tail of the camel. And this is when the camel decided to give a solid back-kick.

This encounter is not a happy one and we hope the person did not suffer any serious injury. But the fact remains: The camel was pushed to the point where it decided to retaliate.

These animals have been helping humans in many ways. Still, some of us don't let them live peacefully.
There is a need for us all to change our attitude towards animals and start respecting their rights.

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First published: 13 January 2022, 11:51 IST