Home » Bizarre News » Disturbing video shows bull's horn set on fire: An act of inhumanity

Disturbing video shows bull's horn set on fire: An act of inhumanity

Speed News Desk | Updated on: 13 June 2023, 15:43 IST
Grotesque display of inhumanity

A recent video circulating on social media has captured a profoundly disturbing act of cruelty. The footage depicts an incident where an individual sets a bull's horn on fire, subjecting the animal to immense pain and suffering.

While the exact location remains unknown, the video suggests that this act was intentional and not an isolated incident.

The Inhuman Act
The act of setting a bull's horn on fire is a grotesque display of inhumanity. The video shows a blatant disregard for the well-being of the animal, inflicting unnecessary pain solely for the amusement or satisfaction of the person involved. Such behaviour is not only morally wrong but also highlights a lack of empathy and compassion towards living beings.


Outrage and Condemnation
Upon the video's circulation, social media users expressed their outrage and strong condemnation. The disturbing footage prompted a wave of responses denouncing the act as cruel and unacceptable. This collective outcry emphasizes the growing societal awareness and concern for animal welfare.

Promoting Compassion and Awareness
Instances like these underscore the importance of raising awareness about the ethical treatment of animals. Animals, including bulls, experience pain and suffering and deserve to be treated with kindness and compassion. By speaking out against such acts of cruelty and promoting compassion, we can foster a more humane society that respects and protects all living creatures.

First published: 13 June 2023, 15:43 IST