Home ยป Bizarre News ยป 5-year-old girl climbs wall like a spiderman; video will leave you rubbing your eyes

5-year-old girl climbs wall like a spiderman; video will leave you rubbing your eyes

Speed News Desk | Updated on: 18 September 2021, 13:19 IST
Screenshot from the viral video showing girl climbing wall like a spiderman

An amusing video of a girl climbing a wall has surfaced on the Internet. The viral video will remind you of spiderman. The video was recorded by one of the family members of the girl and was later shared on a Twitter account named Ffs OMG Vids. The caption of the video described the girl as “Spidergirl”

In the clip, the five-year-old girl can be seen climbing up the wall by using her arms and legs without any other support. In the beginning, she is seen standing on the bed and then climbed up the wall effortlessly in a minute.

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She holds herself for a few seconds at the corner of the ceiling and even stretched her legs. Moments later, she comes down and jumps on the bed.

Watch video:

The viral video of the little girl has amazed netizens and has now garnered 137.6k views and 3,131 likes on Twitter.

Many users also revealed that they have also done such things when they were kids.

A user wrote, “Lol used to do that as kids and scare the crap out of mother !!”

Another commented, “used to that myself as a child no big deal”

“I use to do this as a little girl, always climbing,” one of the users wrote.

What’s your opinion about this spider girl?

Also Read: Father catches little daughter stealing cookies; check out her epic reaction

First published: 18 September 2021, 13:14 IST