TS Tirumurti: Only way to end Yemen crisis is through lasting, inclusive peace

News Agencies 16 April 2021, 8:20 IST

TS Tirumurti: Only way to end Yemen crisis is through lasting, inclusive peace

Expressing concerns about the violence in Yemen at the United Nations, India on Thursday said that the only way to end the crisis in Yemen is through lasting and inclusive peace.

"We are also deeply concerned about the humanitarian consequences of the ongoing military escalation in Marib. The fighting has put the large population of Marib including more than a million internally displaced people at grave risk. We hope that the ongoing diplomatic efforts result in the fighting ending soon," said TS Tirumurti, Permanent Representative of India to the UN.

"We have repeatedly stated that the instability in Yemen will be exploited by terrorist groups to expand their presence in the country. While focusing on the political and military conflict, the Council must not overlook the threats posed by terrorist groups to peace and stability in the country and the region," he added.

Tirumurti said that the protracted conflict and deteriorating economic situation have only exacerbated the suffering of Yemeni people.

"The humanitarian situation is dire. The famine-like condition in many governorates is expected to worsen the humanitarian crisis in the coming months. The full support of the international community is required to prevent a famine in the country," he said.

Ambassador Tirumurti said the only way to end the crisis in Yemen is through lasting and inclusive peace.

"The recent diplomatic initiatives have opened a new window of opportunity. We commend the efforts by Oman in facilitating dialogue between the key stakeholders towards finding a comprehensive solution to the conflict in Yemen. We also welcome the initiative announced by Saudi Arabia for fostering peace in Yemen," he said.

India supports all efforts to find an inclusive and peaceful political solution to the Yemen crisis through negotiations led and owned by the Yemeni people, the ambassador added.


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