Will respond with force if red lines crossed in Syria again: Russia, Iran warn Donald Trump

Speed News Desk 10 April 2017, 9:57 IST

Russian and Iranian forces along with allies on 9 April warned the United States President Donald Trump that they would retaliate with military action if US launched more airstrikes on Syria.
Talking about the missile bombardment on Syria's forces, both the countries unanimously said that the Trump crossed a ‘red line’.

The joint-statement, released by Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and other allies, said, "What America waged in an aggression on Syria is a crossing of red lines. From now on we will respond with force to any aggressor or any breach of red lines from whoever it is and America knows our ability to respond well.”

military operation rooms of Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and other allies have just released a new joint statement.

According to media reports, the Russian Embassy in London has indicated that there could be a possibility of ‘real war’ in case Moscow is presented with an ultimatum over Syria.

Meanwhile, the US has vowed to keep up the pressure on Syria.

The Trump administration had signaled last week that new sanctions would soon follow the missile attack, and reportedly Russian involvement in the chemical weapons assault is also being investigated.

US had fired the cruise missiles in reaction to last week's chemical weapons attack that killed dozens of men, women and children in Syria.