Watch: Big Tragedy! At least 62 killed, over 600 injured after Tsunami triggered by Krakatoa volcano eruption hits Indonesia

Speed News Desk 23 December 2018, 10:18 IST

Watch: Big Tragedy! At least 43 killed, over 600 injured after Tsunami triggered by Krakatoa eruption hits Indonesia

At least 43 people died and around 600 were injured after a tsunami hit Indonesia that was caused by a volcano eruption in Krakatoa. The tsunami hit the islands of Java and Sumatra in Pandeglang, Serang and South Lampung regions in Indonesia on Saturday night.

According to AP reports, the tsunami was spawned by a combination of undersea landslides and eruption in Krakatoa volcano. "In the Sunda Strait 40 people have died, 584 people were injured and two people are missing," national disaster agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho told the news agency AFP.


"If there is an initial error we're sorry," he wrote. 'It went dark'. "We arrived at 9 pm for our holiday and suddenly the water came -- it went dark, the electricity is off," he told AFP. "It's messy outside and we still cannot access the road."

Sunda straight lies between the islands of Java and Sumatra and connects the Java Sea to the Indian Ocean. 

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