US diplomat to visit India for strategic talks

News Agencies 24 August 2018, 10:35 IST

US diplomat to visit India for strategic talks

Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs Manisha Singh will travel to India in September as part of her four-nation tour to share the administration strategy for ensuring a free and open Indo-Pacific region.

Singh will travel to Tokyo, Manila, Singapore, and Mumbai from August 26 to September 5. During her travel, she will share the administration strategy for ensuring a free and open Indo-Pacific region, including the recent launch of new infrastructure and digital economy initiatives.

Singh will meet with US companies and government officials in all the four countries to talk about steps the Administration is taking to support fair trade and free markets, women's economic empowerment, and economic growth and security.

In Mumbai, the Assistant Secretary will also participate in a panel at the US-India Business Council's 43rd Annual General Meeting and Ideas Summit.

In Singapore, the Assistant Secretary will take part in the East Asia Summit Economic Ministers Meeting. This follows United States Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo's participation in the annual US ASEAN Ministerial meetings in Singapore earlier this month.