US-Bangla Passenger plane crashes off runway at Kathmandu airport in Nepal

News Agencies 12 March 2018, 15:53 IST

US-Bangla Passenger plane crashes off runway at Kathmandu airport in Nepal

A US-Bangla airline crash-landed and caught fire at the Tribhuvan International Airport on Monday.

According to the multiple news reports, rescue operations have begun and passengers were being taken out from the burning plane.

Emergency respondents and ambulances were seen rushing to the site of the incident.

Many airline jets en route to Kathmandu are turning back, including jets from Oman Air, Qatar Airways, and FlyDubai.

The Tribhuvan International Airport has been closed to all departures and arrivals.

Airlines plane carrying 67 passengers crash landed after catching fire at Nepal's international airport here, officials said.


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It wasn't clear if there were fatalities, but clouds of thick, dark smoke could be seen rising above the hilltop airport, which was immediately shut down.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of airport policy, said the flight was arriving from Dhaka, the Bangladesh capital. He said the plane appeared to have caught fire just before it landed and skidded to a stop in a field beside the runway.


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