US Ambassador to China promises to mend Washington-Beijing ties

News Agencies 3 May 2017, 15:04 IST

US Ambassador to China promises to mend Washington-Beijing ties

US President Donald Trump's pick for Ambassador to China ,Terry Branstad, expressed confidence to take ties between Washington and Beijing in a positive direction.

Branstad promised to take a firm stand with Beijing on issues pertaining to North Korea nuclear programme, trade disputes and human rights. "AS Governor of Iowa, I saw first-hand the importance of a positive and healthy trade relationship between our two countries," Global Times quoted Branstad.

While speaking to US Lawmakers on the importance of trade between United States and China, Branstad said " Aviation products, manufactured goods, chemicals, electronics and many other products and services are exported to China daily and helps and sustain the American economy."

Hoping to get a confirmation by the U.S. Senate, Iowa Governor Branstad said he would press China to convince North Korea to curb its nuclear ambitions. 70-years old Branstad has decades of experience with China on agricultural trade. Branstad was nominated by Trump in December 2016 to be the next US Ambassador to China.