US: 19-year-old boy raped by 18-year-old girl at knife point

Speed News Desk 28 November 2017, 13:59 IST

US: 19-year-old boy raped by 18-year-old girl at knife point

In America, an 18-year-old girl is accused of raping a 19-year-old boy at the tip of a knife. The accused girl has been identified as Lestina Marie Smith, who resides in Saginaw Town. Judge Andre R. Borrello pronouncing the verdict on Monday (November 20th) said that the accused girl committed a serious second-degree crime.

Along with this, the court has said that Smith has also damaged the victim's car, so she will have to pay a thousand dollars as compensation to the victim side. Smith will also have to spend 313 days in jail as well. During this time, she needs to wear a GPS device. It is worth mentioning that Smith has already been in jail for first-degree crime. Reports also suggest that Smith also sent a letter to the judge appealing not to send her jail.

According to the reports, Smith made a forced relationship with a 19-year-old boy in Saginaw Town. The accused, reportedly, did not stop there, she also created sex tapes of the victim boy that later went viral on social media. However later, Smith said that she had deleted the sex tape.

While remembering the incident, the victim told that it was the time when he was heading towards his car in parking lot and only then Smith forcibly entered in his car. During this incident, he was also hit by Smith on his face and his phone was snatched by her. Then he was told to go to back seat of the car on the point of knife.