Trump, Macron discuss global issues: White House

News Agencies 5 August 2017, 16:15 IST

Trump, Macron discuss global issues: White House

US President Donald Trump and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron have discussed various global issues, including mutual interests regarding North Korea, crisis in Syria and Iraq, the White House has said.

Trump and Macron spoke on the phone, the White House said in a statement yesterday.

"Trump spoke with President Emmanuel Macron of France to explore how to increase cooperation in addressing the ongoing crises in Syria and Iraq and countering Iranian malign influence," it said.

They also spoke about forging a political resolution in Libya and countering terror activity in the Sahel region of Africa, it added.

"They agreed that the Maduro regime in Venezuela must restore the rights of the Venezuelan people and reaffirmed the importance of all sides implementing the Minsk agreements to reach a peaceful settlement in Ukraine," the White House said.

"Finally, they discussed mutual interests regarding North Korea," it said.